above link made be howl and sob with laughter (as I've said before, this is not hard to do, but i suggest you check it out anyway). It's examples of inside jokes and made up words and phrases that families uses internaly, and where they come from.
examples from the site:
"When my sister was very young (3 or 4), we were in the pet section of a Woolworth's or K-Mart looking at guinea pigs. She'd never seen a guinea pig before and wondered what it was. I said it was a guinea pig, at which point she exclaimed, both surprised and annoyed and a few other emotions mixed in, "A PIG!?!?! with HAIR!!!!!???!?!" Ever since then, now almost twenty years, whenever anything incredulous happens and the family's around, someone's sure to say, sounding a bit like Steve Martin saying "Wellllll Excuuuuuse ME!!," "A PIG!!!?!?! with HAAAIRRR!?!?!?!"
"Soooup? No soup! Soooup?" while making slurping noises/faces. From an old relative's Navy days, with a mess sgt who served the soup with a turkey baster to avoid spillage.
me: "hey wooler" *tents fingers above head*
Wooler: "pope!"
lol, good times.