Monday, August 07, 2006


I was almost done an entire blog on strange things you can buy on the internet when blogger went down and I lost the whole thing. I would have posted it sooner, but andy rebuilt his computer and all the pictures were deleted. so after 2 failed attempts, I've decided that the world just isn't meant to see the deformed apple that looks like a face, the ashes from a tree that burned down outide Paris Hilton's house or the small gator head that has been made into a necklace.

(You may be interested to note that the date for this blog is aug 7. that's when i started the G.D. thing. It's actually sept 4 today).

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

goodbye cytology

Thanks to Ruth Ellen for the sweet pics of cells! I miss cytology all ready. sigh. It was just not meant to be, I guess. A plus: I don't have to pay hundreds of dollars in association fees anymore. woot!