Saturday, November 22, 2008

does popular music confuse you? You're not alone!
Do you find song lyrics confusing and hard to follow? do you have a mathematical mind and find yourself wishing there were some charts, graphs, or other visual aids to help you decipher the complexities of these musical mysteries? you're in luck! the above link will be an invaluable resource!

nerd romance!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

day 3 of best cats on the internet: cats on film!

cuttlefish on film!

#1 animal EVAR!!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Shatner redux

I heart William Shatner pretty hard. you know that. but did you know i heart his music too? these are my favorites. these are absolutely heartbreaking, bitchy, beautiful songs.

Monday, November 17, 2008

this one's for the ladies..

So, a million years ago i did a post on beautiful urinals. today, toilets with a view! brought to you by

a picture's worth 1000 words...

Now, i knew New Orleans was in a low lying area, and that's why there was such extensive flooding, but until i saw this diagram i didn't really "get" how low lying it really was. crazy!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

yay bugs!!!

Ok, so you guys know how much i love bugs, so i was thrilled to come across this site:
some really beautiful pics.

stats, gotta love 'em!

Stats here, get you hot tasty Stats here! 1 for a quarter, 5 for a dollar! best stats on the interwebs!

cute overload!!!


Saturday, November 15, 2008


cutest dad ever. he makes new lunchbag art for his kids every day on his lunch break.

vintage adds shine a light on the truth: people are insane

man. times, they are a changin'. i'm not sure always for the better, but the fact that these advertisements aren't in use any more is a step in the right direction. i mean, what's the deal with that bean kid?????

Friday, November 14, 2008

hits a little close to home

this is a site of overheard conversations. Because of my own um... life situation? i find this particularly poignant.

Nerd #1: You need to stop playing that damn game. It's horrible. Look at yourself!
Nerd #2: Look. You can get on me all you want about World of Warcraft, but at least it's not Scientology!
Nerd #1 (looking nonplussed ): You mean to tell me that's your excuse for why World of Warcraft is acceptable!? Are you kidding me?
Nerd #2: Hmmmm, I suck at life.

congrats on an election well done, Americans!

Obama's no jedi, but he's also not George W, so i think he's pretty cool. Not Luke cool, of course, but still pretty rad. Good work Americans!

confrontation sucks. rude notes rock! makes me laugh. i've been passive agressive, but never in note form. Maybe it's time to take it to the next level!

This means you!!! or maybe me :( ?

ohhhhhh. burn... i need these for work. promote the harsh reality of life and get yours at:

Thursday, November 13, 2008

when is chest hair coming back in style?

holy jesus. it's tom selleck! on a cake, no less. might i suggest you check out
it has both the best and worst cakes i've ever seen and i laughed until i cried (i know, i know, i do that all the time, but you'll like this, i promise).

more pics of me you say? your wish is my command!

yes, the pink dress ones are the wedding, yes, i heart pirates, yes i eat brains. i mean, i'm totally not a zombie.

lake louise (or, why can't i say no to hiking)

So i went to lake louise with dad, and guess what? we hiked! (can you even believe it?) so here are a few pics.

yar, ya bilge-swillin' blaggards, I'm back!

ok, so ignore the mess. this is my pirate day/halloween costume. i plan to blog more (i know you've heard it before) but i think i might actually follow through! i've got some awesome sites to share. :)