Wednesday, July 26, 2006

just to check in

Hi! i'm done with the move to edmonton, and am working towards straightening out crap with my new job. it's very interesting, and i'll be very buisy for the next little while!
Once andy's computer is hooked up i can do some real blogs, 'cause I don't want to download pics onto my dad's computer and possibly inflict a virus on him.

thanks for your patience!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

crafty guts

a small selection of body parts, including a lucky ovary created from felt by yours truely!
note: the lady who knitted the digestive tract says you need at least 15 feet of intestine to make it look realistic. incase you were going to make your own.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

aw crap.

blogger won't let me post any more pics today, but tomorrow i'll add (hopefully) more pics of kitkat bars and a knitted digestive system.
so that's something to look forward to.
i guess.


here is a partial list of flavours of kitkat bars

Kit Kat Original — (different taste & texture in different countries) , Dark Chocolate (many variants like fine dark and bitter), Hokkaido Milk (and variants made with other types of milk), Mint (again many different types of mint), Apple, Banana, Blueberry, Cherry , Cherry Blossom, combo blueberry and strawberry , Fruit Parfait, Grape, Lemon Cheesecake (and the nearly identical White Lemon and Yogurt ), Lime, Mango, Yubari Melon, Orange ( as well as blood orange seville orange and orange cream), Passion fruit, Pineapple , Strawberry (and variants), Almond tofu, azuki (red) bean , Café Latte, Cappuccino, Caramac, Christmas pudding, Hokkaido cheese white chocolate coating, blueberry & passionfruit creme filling, Green tea, Hazelnut, kir (blackcurrant liquor), White with Maple Syrup, malt milk, Azuki bean, Green Tea, and Cream , Vanilla, red wine , Yoghurt , cranberry, strawberry and raspberry filling , Cinnamon , Mango and Passionfruit , Caramel, Peanut butter, Tiramisu, Almond, & Coconut Eclair

Friday, July 14, 2006

astro boy

Soaring high in the sky,
He may be small but only in size.
AstroBoy, AstroBoy,
He is brave and gentle and wise!
Stronger Than all the rest,this mighty robot will pass the test,
Oh villans fear him, so we cheer him,
The amazing AstroBoy!
When you need someone strong,
Our robot friend will never be long.
AstroBoy, AstroBoy,
He will try to right any wrong!
When there's danger near by,
No matter who, what, where, when or why.
He'll defend us, he'll defend us,
The amazing AstroBoy!

did you know the original japanese version of astro boy took place in 2003?
so cool! will tell you what you name would mean if (or when) you become a robot

Thursday, July 13, 2006

newfie plants

woot! plants are one of the things i miss most about home.
this blog is dedicated to tim&christine, for understanding the lure of moss, and for being cool.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

happy birthday andy!

today's andy's birthday! woot!

happy belated birthday sara! (at least, some sort of email told me it was your birthday)

Monday, July 10, 2006

newfoundland landscapes

more wedding pics!

i have more pics but these are the most flattering/ least blurry. if you want the pics that aren't here, just ask and i'll send them to you.

e&e is no longer just a drive-in!

pic #1 is the house i grew up in
pic #2 is the wreckage of the fountain at the village mall
pic#3 is the weather vane horse on Roaches Line
pic #4 is wescals in the beaver plaza
pic#5 is a pig farm on a cliff
pic # 6 and 7 are e&e's new addition