Sunday, April 30, 2006

fruitcake EXPOSED!

look at the cool cakes! most look like something else. so deceptive. you know what else is deceptive? fruit cake. i was in safeway and looked at the ingredients in the mixed fruit you put in fruit cake. do you know what was the #1 ingredient? nope, not pineapple, not cherries, not citrus peels, sugar, or chemical preservatives. the #1 ingredient was rutabaga. that's right, the yellow and purple skinned turnip you eat with sunday dinner. All those chunks are turnip coloured and sweetened with a bit of real fruit for show. now, i love turnip, but that's crazy. there are other foods that are tricky. i bought a jar of plum sauce one time who's main ingredient was pumpkin. and HP steak sauce has dates, orange and apple juice, tamarind, tomato, molasses... lots of weird crap. so check your lables! you never know, your tofu dogs may have soylent green in them.
website of the day: which is the ultimate fighting club in edmonton. will you try out? even kids can join!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

thoughts of home

These are pics of my home town in newfoundland, Brigus! the 1st pic is of the Effie M. Morressey (aka the Ernestina), the coolest ship EVER, and the last pic is of Bob Bartlet, the coolest dude ever, and former owner of the coolest ship ever.
the website today is the official site of the coolest ship in the whole world! go and sign the petition to get funding to fix her up! she hasn't sailed since 2004! TRAGIC!!!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

road trip!

ok, back at it! these are pics from andy and my trip to edmonton. the last pic is of edmonton from a distance.
it was a good time, but it's kinda nice to be home again with nothing to do but work, knit, and blog.
the website today is which is a website with very handsome fractals. check out the contest winners and the galleries. worth a good look.

Friday, April 21, 2006

2 dumb things

i'm dumb. the dinosaur comic website (with cool math musical in "fan art") is
sorry for the mixup.
i'll be in edmonton until wednesday and might not get to make anymore posts until then.
will you miss me? i'll miss you.

the coolest thing EVER, bar none.

so, these are pics of metal plates covered in sand that show the patterns created by vibrations at different frequencies. the plate wiggles around, shifting the sand to the parts that don't move. the patterns are reproduceable (20.149kHz will always make the shapes above). so cool! so elaborate! who knew? here's a quote from the internet:
"Chladni observed that when a metal plate covered with sand or other similar substance was made to vibrate by running a violin bow across it perpendicularly, a pattern emerged in the sand. Through careful documentation he theorized that sound affects physical matter and that these changes can be repeated. He produced diagrams of his experiments which came to be called, "Chladni figures."" this guy was also the 1st to theorize that metorites came from outerspace, not volcanoes, as previously thought.

the website today is is a good site for pics of Chaladni figures, but check around the web if you want to know the actual physics of it.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

oh yah...

and andy sent me the link about the clouds a while back. you know, the lumpy ones that look cool but freak me out a bit? yah, those. so thanks andy!

dad and me on a hike!

Dad and i went on a hike last summer in BC, on the Juan de Fuca trail. these are some pics. we didn't take any pics of the trail. we were too tired! good times. i highly recomend you go on a similar trip. if you do, ask for advice. i'm full of advice.

the website today is , a link sent from my mom! loads of shareware,freeware etc. games &virus blockers and stuff. my mom works with computers so she knows. go to this site, MY MOM SAYS SO!!!

Answer to the ugly wall paper quiz

the 1st pic is of the enteranceway the lady was so proud of, the second is of her kitchen cabinets. i don't like to be mean, and everyone has their own style, but it just kind of fit into the theme. sorry dottie.
the 3rd pic is of the crazy wallpaper i bought at the antique store. i plan to cover binders and boxes with it to store my papers and crap. do you want a box or binder? just ask! i'll ship anywhere where it costs 10$ or less.

newfie medical terms, sent to me by andy's dad!

Laura needs to make sure she knows these terms before she comes home this
Artery - The study of paintings
Benign - What you be after you be eight
Bacteria - Back door to cafeteria
Barium - What doctors do when patients die
Caesarean Section - A neighbourhood in Rome
Catscan - Searching for Kitty
Cauterize - Made eye contact with her
Colic - A sheep dog
Coma - A punctuation mark
D&C - Where Washington is
Dilate - To live long
Enema - Not a friend
Fester - Quicker than someone else
Fibula - A small lie
Genital - Non-Jewish person
G.I.Series - World Series of military baseball
Hangnail - What you hang your coat on
Impotent - Distinguished, well known
Labour Pain - Getting hurt at work
Medical Staff - A Doctor's cane
Morbid - A higher offer than I bid
Nitrates - Cheaper than day rates
Node - I knew it
Outpatient - A person who has fainted
Pap Smear - A fatherhood test
Pelvis - Second cousin to Elvis
Post Operative - A letter carrier
Recovery Room - Place to do upholstery
Rectum - Darn near killed him
Secretion - Hiding something
Seizure - Roman emperor
Tablet - A small table
Terminal Illness - Getting sick at the airport
Tumour - More than one
Urine - Opposite of you're out
Varicose - Near by

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

my favorite monkeys

An internet monkey quote:

"Outside the hut, the feeling is one of constant menace. One may walk around the hut, but there is a constant flow of agitated and hysterical monkeys traveling to and from the site. The space is wide open with no hiding places. As an outnumbered human, I instinctively felt the need to find a defensible location where my back would be protected, but with none in sight, I found myself whirling constantly to face the wails of oncoming monkeys. Even the outer walls of the feeding hut are useless; dozens of monkeys seek the high ground on top of the roof and sit like furry gargoyles waiting to pounce on any human stupid enough to exit the hut with open food in his hands."

woah. who knew? but lots of other people had good things to say about the monkeys.the truth is probably somewhere in the middle, i guess. they're still my favorite monkeys. the fact that they're bad makes them even more appealing!

the website today is a fellow blogger, but with a blog that makes mine look loke crap. an extensive collection on cool illusions. check it out!