my super cool blog... that's cool!
a blog of things i find funny or interesting boiled down to a set of pictures and a few lines of text.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
everyone needs a hobby...
the above linke is to a whole pile of pics of george w. rubbing bald men's heads.
who knew?
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Thursday, May 03, 2007
lolcats: an internet feenimeenon
so here's a quote from wikkipedia explaining lolcats:
Lolcats, a compound of lol and cat[1], are photos of cats with humorous captions. They are a type of image macro, and are thus also referred to as cat macros. Lolcats are created for the purpose of sharing them with others on imageboards and other internet forums, especially on Saturdays ("Caturdays").[2]
Lolcat images consist of a photo, sometimes photoshopped, with words over the photo that are characteristically formatted in a sans serif font such as Impact or Arial Black.[3] The captions generally act as speech balloons encompassing a comment from the cat or simple descriptions of the depicted scene, written in what has been variously called a kind of pidgin[3] or baby talk.[4] They are usually intentionally grammatically incorrect, with errors in spelling and syntax[3] featuring "strangely-conjugated verbs."
Lolcat images consist of a photo, sometimes photoshopped, with words over the photo that are characteristically formatted in a sans serif font such as Impact or Arial Black.[3] The captions generally act as speech balloons encompassing a comment from the cat or simple descriptions of the depicted scene, written in what has been variously called a kind of pidgin[3] or baby talk.[4] They are usually intentionally grammatically incorrect, with errors in spelling and syntax[3] featuring "strangely-conjugated verbs."
the above lolcats are from a site i strongly suggest checking out.
it very well may be the most awesome compelation of lolcats and lolruses (lol walruses) on the web.
oh, and lol stands for "laugh out loud"
and fyi: you can't simply tankcat into mordor